April 18, 1939: "Mario Carnini is building a restaurant building on Main street which he expects to operate in June." (The Klamath News)
February 20, 1941: "Mario Carnini, owner of the Sprague River Wooden Box cafe has learned well the meaning of the old saying, 'Never put off until tomorrow what you could do today.'
Mario had raised two fine hogs, which he planned to butcher in January. He kept putting off the operation day after day until several weeks ago one of the 250-pound animals showed signs of the flu, in a week it died.
The other was in perfect health and Mr. Carnini was especially sure that he should butcher it immediately. A business trip to Medford came up and he put off the butchering until his return. Upon his arrival home, hog No. 2 was found stark dead. Over 500 pounds of grain-fed pork was the price Mario paid." (The Evening Herald)
March 13, 1941: "Mario Carnini, proprietor of the Sprague River Wooden Box cafe, is building and addition to his restaurant. The enlargement will give more room for the kitchen." (The Klamath News)
April 12, 1941: "Mario Carnini, who built a new modern restaurant in Sprague River two years ago finds expansion necessary. The entire kitchen will be moved back giving room for more counter and table space. There will also be several upstairs rooms added to the building." (The Evening Herald)
May 26, 1941: "Mr. and Mrs. Mario Carnini, owners of the Wooden Box cafe here were baffled by the appearance of a mare that stood by their kitchen door and refused to leave. They could not understand the horse's desire to stay so patiently unless the aroma of food drifting out the door prompted the animal to seek a handout of lettuce salad or a stack of hotcakes. The surprise came later when the mare gave birth to a colt not more than a few steps from the main business street. A large crowd gathered to greet the arrival which will bear the distinction of being an urban product.
The mother seemed to appreciate the admiring audience and left her baby on exhibition most of the morning. Soon the little fellow got its strength and waddled away to distant pastures with its mother." (The Evening Herald)
August 29, 1941: "Mario Carnini has completed the building of a new garage, which is located at the side of the Wooden Box cafe. The Carnini's recently completed remodeling of their business." (The Evening Herald)
April 24, 1942: "Mrs. Dorothy Miliron is working in the Wooden Box cafe during the absence of Miss Ruth Seright, who is visiting in southern California." (The Klamath News)
July 30, 1949: "The Wood Box cafe, owned and operated by Rose and Mario Carnini, will open for business August 1 after being closed because of water conditions in the community for some time.
Sprague River's only cafe has had its doors closed since the collapse of the Sprague River Water company tank April 11. No replacement has been made as yet, and much of the community still does not have adequate water.
However, the Carninis had a 325-foot well drilled and have installed a pump and pressure tank,, making the reopening of their cafe possible." (Herald and News)
1966: The restaurant was closed following the death of Rose Carnini.

October 2017 - Ron Kemnow photo